Chaos auf dem Android Gerät
(EN google-translate)
(PL google-translate)
Es soll nun versucht werden, ähnliche Anwendungen auf einem Android Gerät zu entwickeln, wie zuvor mit dem Arduino-Micro.
1) Show values of chaos function
public void setup() { fullScreen(); //full screen view frameRate(3); //draw called 3 times per second orientation(LANDSCAPE); //on Android device displayed in landscape not portrait } float r = 3.5; //float r = 3.8; //float r = 3.98; float y_old = 0.56; float y_new = 0.0; int value=0; public void draw() { background(100,100,255); //background light blue y_new = r*y_old*(1.0 - y_old); y_old = y_new; value = (int)(100.0*y_new); println("Chaos value: "+value); //show value on PC terminal fill(255,0,0); //text color red textSize(60); //font size 60pt text("Chaos value: "+value,50,50); //show value on the screen }
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1b) Show values of chaos function and draw curve
//draw a curve: int[] curve; int index = 0; public void setup() { fullScreen(); //full screen view frameRate(30); //draw called 3 times per second orientation(LANDSCAPE); //on Android device displayed in landscape not portrait curve = new int[width/5]; } float r = 3.5; //float r = 3.8; //float r = 3.98; float y_old = 0.56; float y_new = 0.0; int value=0; public void draw() { background(100,100,255); //background light blue y_new = r*y_old*(1.0 - y_old); y_old = y_new; value = (int)(100.0*y_new); println("Chaos value: "+value); //show value on PC terminal fill(255,0,0); //text color red textSize(60); //font size 60pt text("Chaos value: "+value,50,50); //show value on the screen //drawing a curve: curve[index%curve.length] = value; stroke(0); int MAX = index; if(index>curve.length) MAX=curve.length; int start_x = width - 5*MAX; for(int i=1;i<MAX;i++) { line(start_x+(i-1)*5,height - (curve[(index+(i-1))%curve.length]*height)/100, start_x+(i)*5,height - (curve[(index+(i))%curve.length]*height)/100); } index++; }
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2) Play tone according to value of chaos function
import info.kramann.extensions.mico; import*; import*; import java.util.Properties; public void setup() { fullScreen(); //full screen view frameRate(10); //draw called 3 times per second orientation(LANDSCAPE); //on Android device displayed in landscape not portrait mico.soundStart(); int id = 0; int typ = 1; //Sinus float frequency = 330.0f; float dt_phase_left = 0.0f; float dt_phase_right = 0.0f; float vol_left = 0.5f; float vol_right = 0.5f; mico.soundAddTone(id, typ, frequency, dt_phase_left, dt_phase_right, vol_left, vol_right); } //float r = 3.5; //float r = 3.8; float r = 3.94; float y_old = 0.56; float y_new = 0.0; int value=0; public void draw() { background(100,100,255); //background light blue y_new = r*y_old*(1.0 - y_old); y_old = y_new; value = (int)(100.0*y_new); println("Chaos value: "+value); //show value on PC terminal fill(255,0,0); //text color red textSize(60); //font size 60pt text("Chaos value: "+value,50,50); //show value on the screen int id = 0; float frequency = 200.0f + 4*value; float dt_phase_left = 0.0f; float dt_phase_right = 0.0f; float vol_left = 0.5f; float vol_right = 0.5f; mico.soundChangeTone(id, frequency, dt_phase_left, dt_phase_right, vol_left, vol_right); }
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2b) variant
import info.kramann.extensions.mico; import*; import*; import java.util.Properties; public void setup() { fullScreen(); //full screen view frameRate(10); //draw called 3 times per second orientation(LANDSCAPE); //on Android device displayed in landscape not portrait mico.soundStart(); //a wav-tone is loaded float[] ton57 = mico.wavLoadMix("ton57.wav",this); //wav-tone is saved in soundsystem with id 100 mico.soundRegisterSample(100,44100,220.0f,ton57); //tone taken from registered wav-file, //sample rate changed to achieve 880Hz instead of 440Hz //Period is played more often. int id=1; int typ = 100; float frequency = 880.0f; float dt_phase_left = 0.0f; float dt_phase_right = 0.0f; float vol_left = 0.2f; float vol_right = 0.8f; mico.soundAddTone(id, typ, frequency, dt_phase_left, dt_phase_right, vol_left, vol_right); } //float r = 3.5; //float r = 3.8; float r = 3.94; float y_old = 0.56; float y_new = 0.0; int value=0; public void draw() { background(100,100,255); //background light blue y_new = r*y_old*(1.0 - y_old); y_old = y_new; value = (int)(100.0*y_new); println("Chaos value: "+value); //show value on PC terminal fill(255,0,0); //text color red textSize(60); //font size 60pt text("Chaos value: "+value,50,50); //show value on the screen int id = 1; float frequency = 200.0f + 4*value; float dt_phase_left = 0.0f; float dt_phase_right = 0.0f; float vol_left = 0.5f; float vol_right = 0.5f; mico.soundChangeTone(id, frequency, dt_phase_left, dt_phase_right, vol_left, vol_right); }
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5) Play tone according to direction of earth acceleration
TAB1 Chaos05
//Look carefully to run() method in Soundplayer! import*; import*; import java.util.Properties; import ketai.sensors.*; //using a special android library for sensors. KetaiSensor sensor; float accelerometerX, accelerometerY, accelerometerZ; Soundplayer soundplayer; public void setup() { sensor = new KetaiSensor(this); sensor.start(); soundplayer = new Soundplayer(); fullScreen(); //full screen view frameRate(10); //draw called 3 times per second orientation(LANDSCAPE); //on Android device displayed in landscape not portrait } public void draw() { background(100,100,255); //background light blue fill(255,0,0); //text color red textSize(60); //font size 60pt text("Accelerometer: " + "x: " + nfp(accelerometerX, 1, 3) + " " + "y: " + nfp(accelerometerY, 1, 3) + " " + "z: " + nfp(accelerometerZ, 1, 3), 0, 0, width, height); } void onAccelerometerEvent(float x, float y, float z) { accelerometerX = x; accelerometerY = y; accelerometerZ = z; }
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TAB2 AudioTrack
import; import; import; import; import; public class AudiotrackMicAndroid { private AudioRecord audioRecorder = null; AudioTrack audioTrack; //int sr = 11025; //Versuchen die Qualität zu verbessern: int sr; //int buffsize = 512; int buffsize; int buffsize2; float[] targetWelle; short[] recbuf; public AudiotrackMicAndroid(int sr, int buffsize) { = sr; this.buffsize = buffsize; this.buffsize2 = buffsize*2; this.recbuf = new short[this.buffsize]; targetWelle = new float[this.buffsize2]; try { //int pg = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(, // AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT); int audioSource = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC; //MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT audioRecorder = new AudioRecord(audioSource,, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, buffsize*10); // bufferSize audioRecorder.startRecording(); android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO); } catch(Exception ee) { System.out.println("FEHLER: "+ee); } try { audioTrack = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, sr, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, buffsize*10, AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM); audioTrack.setStereoVolume(1.0f, 1.0f);; } catch(Exception eee) { System.out.println("FEHLER: "+eee); } } public float[] write(short[] puffer) { audioTrack.write(puffer, 0,buffsize2);, 0, recbuf.length); for(int i=0;i<recbuf.length;i++) { targetWelle[i*2+0] = (float)recbuf[i]/32000.0f; targetWelle[i*2+1] = (float)recbuf[i]/32000.0f; } return targetWelle; } }
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TAB3 Soundplayer
import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.ArrayList; import processing.core.*; public class Soundplayer implements Runnable { int sr = 44100; int buffsize = 512; int buffsize2 = buffsize*2; public float[] mikrofon_welle = new float[buffsize2]; double dt = 1.0/(float)sr; double dth = 0.5*dt; protected ScheduledExecutorService schedExecService; short[] puffer = new short[buffsize*2]; //4 Byte pro Sample == 16Bit Stereo //2 * bei short public double t=0.0; private AudiotrackMicAndroid track; private double dreieck(double x) { double phase = 4.0*(x - Math.floor(x)); if(phase<=1.0) return phase; else if(phase<=3.0) return 2.0 - phase; else //if(phase<=4.0) return -4.0 + phase; } public Soundplayer() { track = new AudiotrackMicAndroid(sr,buffsize); schedExecService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); long period = (buffsize*1000)/sr; //Seconds per Beat==60/BPM, die Hälfte weil 8tel, mal 1000 weil Millisekunden. schedExecService.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 0, period, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } double FREQx = 600.0; boolean changex = true; double FREQy = 600.0; boolean changey = true; public void run() { //Testton: for(int i=0;i<puffer.length;i+=2) { double Tx = 1.0/FREQx; double phasex = t - Tx*Math.floor(t/Tx); if(phasex<=dt && changex==true) { FREQx = 600.0 + 40.0*accelerometerX; changex=false; } if(phasex>Tx/2.0) { changex=true; } double Ty = 1.0/FREQy; double phasey = t - Ty*Math.floor(t/Ty); if(phasey<=dt && changey==true) { FREQy = 600.0 + 40.0*accelerometerY; changey=false; } if(phasey>Ty/2.0) { changey=true; } // puffer[i+0] = (short)(32000.0*Math.sin(2.0*Math.PI*FREQx*t)); // puffer[i+1] = (short)(32000.0*Math.sin(2.0*Math.PI*FREQy*t)); puffer[i+0] = (short)(32000.0*dreieck(FREQx*t)); puffer[i+1] = (short)(32000.0*dreieck(FREQy*t)); t+=dt; } //audioTrack.write(puffer, 0,buffsize2); mikrofon_welle = track.write(puffer); } }
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