Modularization of VR sound
(EN google-translate)
(PL google-translate)
Das vorangehende Programm wurde so einfach wie möglich umgesetzt. Jedoch sieht es dennoch kompliziert aus, weil der gesamte Quelltext in einen einzigen Tab und eine einzige Klasse geschrieben wurde.
Jetzt sollen die verschiedenen Codeteile sinnvoll modularisiert werden. Der Vorteil hiervon ist, dass jetzt schneller auch mehrere Klangquellen eingeführt werden können. Der Nachteil hiervon ist, dass man nicht mehr alle Programmiermöglichkeiten offen hält.
Zunächst wird ein sehr ähnluches Beispiel genommen, wie im vorangehenden Programm. Jedoch soll sich nun die Schallquelle um den Betrachter herum bewegen.
Es wird von der Möglichkeit Gebrauch gemacht, den Quelltext auf mehrere Tabs zu verteilen.
Es wird ein Tab mit dem Namen "helper" angelegt, in dem Hilfsfunktionen untergebracht werden. Dadurch wird der Quelltext an den Hauptstellen etwas übersichtlicher.
import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; //VR: import processing.vr.*; PShape spheres; PMatrix3D eyeMat = new PMatrix3D(); //Object to put in the actual eye-matrix float[] q = {0,0,-100}; //sphere position float[] q_old = {0,0,-100}; //sphere position float[] ear_left = new float[3]; float[] ear_right = new float[3]; float[] left_right = new float[2]; Sound sound; float[] mywavtone; public void setup() { mywavtone = ladeWavMix("ton69.wav"); sound = new Sound(); fullScreen(STEREO); //with glasses //fullScreen(MONO); //without glasses orientation(LANDSCAPE); //VR: spheres = createShape(GROUP); PShape sphere = createShape(SPHERE, 50); sphere.setStroke(false); sphere.setFill(color(255,0,0)); //sphere.translate(0,0,-100); sphere.translate(q[0],q[1],q[2]); spheres.addChild(sphere); } public void draw() { //get actual position in q and put it to the sphere: PShape sphere = spheres.getChild(0); sphere.translate(-q_old[0],-q_old[1],-q_old[2]); sphere.translate(q[0],q[1],q[2]); q_old[0]=q[0]; q_old[1]=q[1]; q_old[2]=q[2]; background(0,0,255); getEyeMatrix(eyeMat); //actualize eye matrix translate(eyeMat.m03, eyeMat.m13, eyeMat.m23); //put view point to [0 0 0] == put world to eye-position lights(); //turn on lights shape(spheres); //render group of shapes (here only one sphere) } public class Sound implements Runnable { private AudioTrack audioTrack; //Connection to sound card private int sr=44100; //Sample rate private int sr_wav=44100; //Sample rate of the loaded tone. So this is handled seperately. //Thus, you do not care about if changing sampling rate sr. It may differ to one of sound files! private int buffsize=512; //buffer size private int buffsize2=buffsize*2; private ScheduledExecutorService schedExecService; //realtime process private short[] shortbuffer = new short[buffsize*2]; //stereo buffer l0 r0 l1 r1 l2 r2 ... frequently sent to sound card private double t=0.0; //realtime private double dt = 1.0/(double)sr; //time step according to sampling rate. private double dt_wav = 1.0/(double)sr_wav; //time step according to sampling rate of loaded file. private float MAX_SHORT = 32767.0; public Sound() { try { audioTrack = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, sr, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, buffsize*10, AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM); audioTrack.setStereoVolume(1.0f, 1.0f);; } catch(Exception eee) { System.out.println("FEHLER: "+eee); } schedExecService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); long period = (buffsize*1000)/sr; //Seconds per Beat==60/BPM, die Hälfte weil 8tel, mal 1000 weil Millisekunden. schedExecService.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 0, period, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public void run() { for(int i=0;i<buffsize2;i+=2) { //let the sphere move in a circle arround the listener: //The update takes place here, to calculate sound always in the right way. float x_sphere = -100.0*sin(TWO_PI*0.25*(float)t); float z_sphere = -100.0*cos(TWO_PI*0.25*(float)t); q[0] = x_sphere; q[1] = 0.0; q[2] = z_sphere; //ACCURACY OF TIME SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN ONE OF AMPLITUDE. //SO TIME IS CALCULATED USING double AND AMPLITUDE USING float. //This may be the part of the programm where you might want to modify something like //introducing other sound sources / directional sound and so on: //Calculate the actual sample from the provided wav-file: //Actual time may be in between two samples: float amplitude = getSampleValue(mywavtone,dt_wav,t); //VR begin updateEarLeftEarRight(ear_left,ear_right); updateVolumeLeftRight(left_right, ear_left,ear_right,q); float volume_left = left_right[0]; float volume_right = left_right[1]; //VR end float left = MAX_SHORT*amplitude*volume_left; float right = MAX_SHORT*amplitude*volume_right; shortbuffer[i]=(short)left; shortbuffer[i+1]=(short)right; t+=dt; //increment of realtime for each sample } audioTrack.write(shortbuffer, 0,buffsize2); } }
Code 0-1: Androidsound004
/** * t==realtime * dt_wav == time step of one sample in wavtone * mywavtone == mono wavfile */ public float getSampleValue(float[] mywavtone, double dt_wav, double t) { //Calculate the actual sample from the provided wav-file: //Actual time may be in between two samples: double T_entire = dt_wav*(double)mywavtone.length; //duration of file double t_file = t - T_entire*Math.floor(t/T_entire); //actual time in looped wav file int index_lo = (int)(t_file/(double)dt_wav); //first sample index int index_hi = (index_lo+1)%mywavtone.length; //following sample index //calculating weight for each sample: double t_part = t_file - dt_wav*Math.floor(t_file/dt_wav); double part = t_part/dt_wav; //range [0,1] float weight_lo = 1.0 - (float)part; float weight_hi = (float)part; return weight_lo*mywavtone[index_lo] + weight_hi*mywavtone[index_hi]; } public void updateVolumeLeftRight(float[] left_right, float[] ear_left,float[] ear_right,float[] q) { //Normalize Position vector of sphere: float lq = getVectorLength(q); //Calculate different volume for left and right ear: float volume_left = ear_left[0]*q[0]/lq + ear_left[1]*q[1]/lq + ear_left[2]*q[2]/lq; float volume_right = ear_right[0]*q[0]/lq + ear_right[1]*q[1]/lq + ear_right[2]*q[2]/lq; //cut off negative values: if(volume_left<0.0) volume_left=0.0; if(volume_right<0.0) volume_right=0.0; left_right[0] = volume_left; left_right[1] = volume_right; } public void updateEarLeftEarRight(float[] ear_left,float[] ear_right) { getEyeMatrix(eyeMat); //actualize eye matrix for sounding //make up ez (direction of view) float[] ez = {eyeMat.m02,-eyeMat.m12,eyeMat.m22}; float[] ex = {eyeMat.m00,-eyeMat.m10,eyeMat.m20}; //calculate direction for left ear (+PI/8), right (-PI/8) smaller than in 003: ear_left[0] = ez[0]-0.5*ex[0]; ear_left[1] = ez[1]-0.5*ex[1]; ear_left[2] = ez[2]-0.5*ex[2]; ear_right[0] = ez[0]+0.5*ex[0]; ear_right[1] = ez[1]+0.5*ex[1]; ear_right[2] = ez[2]+0.5*ex[2]; float length_ear_left = getVectorLength(ear_left); float length_ear_right = getVectorLength(ear_right); ear_left[0]/=length_ear_left; ear_left[1]/=length_ear_left; ear_left[2]/=length_ear_left; ear_right[0]/=length_ear_right; ear_right[1]/=length_ear_right; ear_right[2]/=length_ear_right; } /** * calculates length of a vector */ public float getVectorLength(float[] vec) { return sqrt( vec[0]*vec[0]+vec[1]*vec[1]+vec[2]*vec[2] ); } /** * Loads a Stereo-Wav-Datei. It is mixed to one channel and provided as float-Array. */ public float[] ladeWavMix(String name) //Gleich nur Mix aus linkem und rechtem Kanal laden (aus 44100 2x16Bit extrahieren) { int zl,zh,lo,gesamt; float gross = 0.5f*(255.0f*256.0f + 255.0f); byte[] dat = loadBytes(name); int anz = dat.length; float[] y = new float[(anz-44)/4]; int inx=44; for(int i=0;i<y.length;i++) { zl = dat[inx++]; zh = dat[inx++]; if(zl>127) zl-=256; if(zh>127) zh-=256; lo = zl; if(lo<0) lo+=256; gesamt = (zh+128)*256; gesamt+=lo; y[i] = 0.5f*((float)gesamt - gross)/gross; zl = dat[inx++]; zh = dat[inx++]; if(zl>127) zl-=256; if(zh>127) zh-=256; lo = zl; if(lo<0) lo+=256; gesamt = (zh+128)*256; gesamt+=lo; y[i] += 0.5f*((float)gesamt - gross)/gross; } return y; }
Code 0-2: helper-tab in Androidsound004